Not too long ago I was asked by Topps to contribute to their "Artist Sketch Cards" collection.
They also have an exclusive deal with Target to distribute these "Target Red Cards".
I ended up doing a total of 100. 50 regular cards and 50 "RED" cards.
As a part of the deal I get to keep 6 cards.
I plan on either auctioning these off (perhaps on E-BAY) or just selling them to anyone who might be interested in them, just shoot me an e-mail me if youre interested.
I've already recieved some interesting offers so they may not be around for too long.
Here's a look at a few that I did...
I'll post some more soon.
I promise ;)
Man Javi these are amazing dude!!! Love 'em man! What a fantastic project to be a part of. Topps was definitely fortunate to have you work on these for 'em that's for sure!
Thanks for stoppin by my blog and for the kinds words too man... glad to know that I'm on the right track. :). Fam's doing great as well... keepin' Alli and I busy, but I'd expect nothin' less. :)
Hope all's well with you my friend and tell the old gang I said hey when you get the chance. Be blessed buddy!
Sweezuz! 100? That's like 10 rows of 10...
Great stuff Jav! I hope to God there's a Max Reebo in your collection. A ReeYees?
Awesome rancor! I also really like the Leia profile. And the Lando one is great too. Nice stuff Jav. A lot of work, man!
Freakin' awesome dude!!
I think the Greedo cketch is my favorite. Very funny. The Rancor is also very intense and aggressive. Overall, it's a really kick-butt series of thumbnail sketches. Awesome!
holy cow! these are FANTASTIC!!!
That's a badass Lando you got there Javi!
My oh my deez are dope!
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