Wednesday, March 07, 2012


This is Raul...
Plis tell me joo gots his cash monys.


Kristian Duffy said...

Lolasaurus Rex

Tooninator said...

so awesome!

Kevin S. Mcleod said...

The doe-eyed expression has me laughing out loud. I see this guy and all I hear is the audio of Scarface. Man I don't know how busy you are but this guy doing Al Pacino's monologue from Scarface would be hysterical!

Manoj Singh said...
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Manoj Singh said...

so nice..atleast this year you will update something

Piyush said...

Thanks for this nice posting......

abo-bder said...

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Yang Kuo said...

The doe-eyed expression has me laughing out loud. I see this guy and all I hear is the audio of Scarface. Man


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papan said...
