Saturday, September 24, 2005

Color Tests...

One of my biggest downfalls concerning my personal work is that I could never see a project completely through to the end.... I always find myself inspired by so much thats around me that I usually end up jumping from idea to idea... With that in mind here are some character concepts and rough color experiments for a character in a childerens book that I plan on Illustrating. I wont say too much about it since its still in its early stages, and its author may want me to keep it under wraps for now.


SteveLambe said...

Very cute, Javi! The blue version as a good choice. It kind of reminds me of a still from a christmas animated special. Thats good!

Dan Segarra said...

I actually like the 3rd one more the the last one... althogh I do like the last one Javi.

The last one makes her look like an ice mage. The blonde hair on the 3rd gives me more of a little kid in the winter feeling. Whateva' man!

Uncle Phil said...

Very cool stuff javi. And thanks for leaving me a comment on my new blog..... and btw, I was totally kidding about being the first blog ever, etc.

Thanks for the link you posted too. I've seen most of em before, but there were a few gems i hadnt't seen... like your blog.